You may have heard that wine is a lively drink. This is because the wine continues to mature in the barrel and then in the bottle. Some wines that are stored under appropriate conditions can remain intact for months or even years. Some wines do not need to be preserved anyway because they are not made to age, they are called table wines. Most young reds or white wines are not stored for long. In addition, the product of every harvest may not be suitable for aging to the same extent. There are many criteria for aging a wine, first of all the grape variety and the seasonal conditions of the year in which the grape is harvested must be suitable. It is important that the grape variety be grown in the right soil, in the right climate zone, with the right viticulture; In other words, terroir is a very determining factor for the wine to be aged. On this topic, “Is every wine aged?” can be looked at my article titled.
How can we store our wines at home assuming we choose the right wines?
First of all, we should not forget that wine is affected by light, heat, humidity, sound, in other words vibration. In addition, I think it would not be too hard to say that wine is affected by the mental state of the household. Considering that we do not have cellars underground, I think that the “poor / bad” music we listen to in the home environment, angry talk, irritable discussions, even our negative / bad thoughts will affect the wine. What I have recently written is not among the world-accepted wine storage conditions, but if you remember the scientific studies on how the water is affected by the environment, it will be a natural result in terms of physically that the wine will be affected by all these.
Then we need an environment where we can rest our wines, put them into a long sleep until the time to drink, is not exposed to sunlight, does not have much heat change, can be as far away from vibration as possible, and where the humidity rate can be at least 75%. 12-15 degrees is considered the ideal temperature for storing wine. In an environment of 18 degrees and above, wine ages and wears out quickly. Refrigerators in our homes are not enough in this regard. If we do not have special water closets, we can choose the coolest place of our house and protect the bottles from the sun and rest the wines for a while. But this road will carry risks when we want to store wine for many years. It is important to keep the environment humid and to keep the bottles horizontal because the cork not contacting the wine will cause the bottle to breathe more and the wine to oxidize.
At this point, the most ideal solution would be to buy from tinder cabinets specially produced for wines. It is useful to examine the products of companies such as Gaggenau, Siemens, Liebherr, Miele, Eurocave.
Which wines should we choose for storage?
Wines from Bordeaux region of France, white and red wines of Burgundy, Barolo, Barbaresco and Brunello wines of Italy, Shiraz of Australia and Cabernets of California are suitable for aging. Of course, it is necessary to check the annual harvest evaluation tables of the regions and choose the wines. In local wines, you can choose wines with strong tanence as a general principle and wines with the phrase “reserve”. Some producers give the information “suitable for aging” especially on the back label of the wine. Chardonnay from whites, Boğazkere from reds, Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot and strong coupons have an aging potential. There was a prevailing view that Turkish wines were irreplaceable, but these judgments are changing today. Now both producers and consumers are experimenting with aging and creating special tells. In these years when Turkish wine making approaches to overthrow the first century, we get good results on behalf of local wines. And it is very pleasing to see that the interest in wine culture is increasing day by day.