Today, wine production is done in modern facilities with the latest technology. The perspective on the filtration process has also changed. Unfiltered beers have become very popular in our country in recent years. Unfiltered “non-filtered” products are also put on the market in wine production. Therefore, visual evaluation in wine can of course give us information about wine, but it is not enough to make sharp judgments or to make hasty decisions about wine. First of all, the fact that the wine is sedimentary does not mean that the wine is spoiled. Black deposits can occur naturally in reds by precipitation of tannins and other coloring matter. If the wine does not have irritating odors and we do not think that there is a problem in its taste, we can easily drink that wine. However, if we think that the sediments do not suit the elegance of the wine, we transfer the wine to the carafe and aerate it and allow the sediments to settle to the bottom. It should not be forgotten that such deposits may occur in aged reds. In the meantime, it is useful to be careful when decanting aged wines. The meeting of wine with oxygen is a sensitive issue. It is necessary to both control the temperature and balance the meeting of the wine with oxygen very well. When it comes to wine, generalizations should be avoided. Treating each wine and each bottle special actually means treating yourself or the people you serve wine to.