The International Wine Challenge is a worldwide wine competition in its 33rd year. IWC is considered one of the world’s largest organizations that rigorously and blind tasting wines by style, region and harvest year. It is held in 2 stages, the first in November and the other in April.
IWC 2016 first stage results have been announced. Although Turkish wines did not get a gold medal, they collected other medals. In particular, Kavaklıdere became the most awarded manufacturer with its 11 products. We congratulate all the producers and thank them for their efforts in these difficult conditions.
Silver medal
Kayra Versus Alpagut Öküzgözü, 2013
Kayra Kalecik Karası, 2014
Loved Boğazkere & Öküzgözü, 2013
Kavaklıdere Ruby, 2014
Kavaklıdere Cotes d’Avanos Narince-Chardonnay, 2013
Kavaklıdere Cotes d’Avanos Sauvignon Blanc, 2014
Diren Karrmen Selection White, 2012
Suvla Reserve Roussanne, Marsanne, 2014
Suvla Grand Reserve Karasakiz, 2013
Bronze Medal
Seven Sages Bias Reserve, 2012
Kayra Narince, 2014
Loved Isabey Sauvignon Blanc, 2014
Beloved Guney Kalecik Karası, 2013
Kavaklıdere Selection Red, 2012
Kavaklıdere Pendore Öküzgözü, 2012
Kavaklidere Prestige Narince, 2014
Kavaklıdere Prestige Kalecik Karası, 2011
Barel Vineyards Reserve, 2013
Suvla Reserve Karasakız, 2013
Kavaklıdere Vinart Kalecik Karası-Syrah, 2014
Urla Bogazkere, 2014
Urla Tempus, 2014
Doseluna, 2013
Kayra Imperial Öküzgözü, 2012
Kayra Vintage Boğazkere, 2012
Fairy, 2013
Kavaklidere Egeo Blend, 2012
Kavaklidere Pendore Syrah, 2012
Kavaklıdere Prestige Boğazkere, 2010
Datça Cnidus Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve, 2013
Diren Collection Boğazkere, 2012
Barel Vineyards Syrah, 2014
Selendi Sarnic Shiraz, 2012
Versus Cabernet Franc, 2012
The Loved Letter R Red, 2013
The Loved Magnesia Öküzgözü, 2013
Prestige Öküzgözü, 2011