Session 1
A brief introduction to wine and white wines. What is wine? How is it done? Tasting techniques. White and pink wines from Turkey and the world and their specialties, tasting of 4 white and pink wines each.
Session 2
Red wines. The main differences of red wines from whites, their quality characteristics, tasting of 4 red wines from Turkey and the world.
Session 3
Secrets of tasting wine. Ideal glasses suitable for wines, the subtleties of filtering the carafe, the basic rules of wine service, the right serving temperatures, the tricks of wine-food harmony. How is wine aged, which wines are suitable for aging? Serving rituals of aged wines, the secrets of wine aging. Accompanied by tasting 8 wines, including aged local and foreign wines.
Session 4
Special wines. Interesting properties, quality secrets, compatibility with food of sparkling wine, champagne, dessert wine, porto and sherry. With 1 sparkling wine, 2 white and 1 red dessert wine from Turkey; Tasting of 1 champagne, 1 fortified dessert wine, 1 sherry and 1 port wine from around the world.